Monday, July 21, 2008

Sorry, but my kid is so cute!!

Just had to share these cute pics of Avery--Cait took them while we were visiting last week.


Anonymous said...

Love the FEET!!! We cant wait until Disney land:)

KATE said...

You're absolutely right she is SO cute!!!

talonandanna said...

um YES she is! don't be sorry. :) we loved having you here! thanks for spending time hanging out with us. wish you were still here. talk to you soon!

talonandanna said...

oh and ps- yes there are both male and female butterflies, i'd like to think that one is a female sunning herself and enjoying the backyard like i do. :) but on the other hand, i googled some pics and it appears that it may in fact be a male. lol

Jon & Kim said...

Looks like lots of fun! I love the summer. It has been fun to catch up on your cute family. Avery is such a doll. Thanks for the invite@

Shannon said...

Your kid is so cute!!! She is so adorable and SO IS Caitlyn! Holy Cow!