Saturday, January 3, 2009

Santa came!!

Santa came to our home a day early, cause we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas. Mr. Claus ate all the cookies we left--but those darn reindeer didn't finish all the carrots--Avery was a little disappointed about that. As soon as she saw the pink "girl" scooter that Santa left, she forgot about the carrots. Santa brought me a beautiful new set of pots and pans and Johnny a new tree climber for hunting. We must have been really good this year! We had a nice "Christmas morning", and then hopped in the car and headed to the airport...

1 comment:

Carla said...

Avery looks like a pro on her new scooter. Nice pans, too. Sure wish you had a pic of Johnny in a tree on his tree climber. I'd love to see how that looks.