Monday, October 13, 2008

Where does she get this stuff??!!

We had a pretty low key weekend, which led to the following video clip...that made Johnny and I laugh out loud!! What a silly little girl!! We did have friends over for dinner both Friday and Saturday--friends who have a little boy that Avery loves to play with, so that was fun for her. Also, Johnny went hunting on Saturday and was planning on camping that night and doing a Sunday morning hunt, but came home early cause he was freezing his butt off...when he came in the door, Avery said, "Daddy, your supposed to be in the woods, go back to the woods right now!" Anyway, it was nice to have a weekend at home, the next few weekends are going to be busier...oh, and Avery had her 3 year check up today, and she is in the 10% group now, for kids her age--up from 5% last year!! Woohoo :)


caitlinlee said...

ahahah what a little nerd i love it! i think i've seen johnny dancing like that before...she must pick it up from him.

Stephanie said...

That's a cute little dance. It made me dance, too. Thanks!

Jeppsons said...

It didn't make me dance. It made me tear up! I think the knee action and the laughing in the background were the most entertaining!

Shannon said...

This age is awesome! They do the funniest stuff!!
Love the Dance with the Legs!
She is so dang cute.

How cute that you were their teacher, way to go on the Letter C!

Grandma Lu said...

Janel....Avery is such a cutie! Love the dancing!

talonandanna said...

oh MY gosh! she's a total ham! loved it, thanks for posting!

Carla said...

I thought the tongue was great--until I saw the knee action!! I had the same response as Johnny. And Cait is right, I have seen Johnny dancing like that before. Too cute!!

katrina said...

HA ha Ha hahahaha that got me. how cute.