Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Avery thought it was so funny that Mommy was her teacher for pre-school today. She has been "teasing" with me for the past couple days, in anticipation for today, and calling me Teacher!...then she just giggles :) We had a fun time, learning the letter "C", the number "3", the color "pink" and about animals. We read books, played red light/green light and practiced writing our "C's",played a fun number game and learned to "sign" 5 animals that started with the letter "C"! Oh what fun to be a 3 year old!


KATE said...

Wow, you're a great teacher! Holy Cow, you packed a lot into your day!!
How fun!!

Emily said...

can i send my boys over to even out those odds?

Stephanie said...

Those are some cute pictures of all of them. P. Sanchez is so tall! They had such a great time. Preschool is pretty fun.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie. That girl cracks me up.


Carla said...

Glad you had fun being "teacher."