Monday, August 27, 2007

Beach bums

For the second weekend in a row we headed to Santa Cruz and enjoyed the cooler weather. Why haven't we done this more?? It's been great. Avery makes friends and plays in the sand...although, she has been a major daddy's girl since we got back from Utah, so she makes Johnny go with her everywhere. She'll see kids to play with, but Johnny has to go play with them too! It's cute. The other day, she asked where Daddy was, I told her that he was at work, she then says, "me work too!" Anyway, back to the beach story, the only thing bad about it is the cold showers they have to rinse off in afterwards. Avery hates it! But, as you can see from the pictures, she was filthy, so we had to do it.


caitlinlee said...

That picture of Avery's feet is so cute! I wish I could go to the beach!

Annie said...

I'm so jealous of your "beachin" opportunities! Allison was thoroughly revolted by the picture of all the sand. That's my "HOTEL! HOTEL! girl....